

TCL Technology actively practices green, low-carbon, and sustainable development by building green factories, launching green products, and developing green industries. It also promotes green culture at every link of the value chain, leading upstream and downstream partners to jointly create sustainable development.
Climate Change Response
Opportunities in Clean Technology
Water Resources Management
Use of Renewable Energy
Waste Management

Climate Change Response

TCL Technology has established a comprehensive climate governance system. Based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), it thoroughly analyzes climate-related risks and opportunities and scientifically formulates TCL Technology's "dual carbon" path and goals.

Founder and Chairman of TCL, LI Dongsheng, attended the 8th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit.

In May 2024, the founder and chairman of TCL, LI Dongsheng attended the 8th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit and introduced TCL's technological innovations and practices in sustainable development and green energy-saving carbon reduction at the meeting. He exchanged views with speakers from the three countries on the topic of sustainable development. LI Dongsheng stated that TCL vigorously promotes energy-saving carbon reduction in the industrial manufacturing sector and uses "green electricity." In product design, TCL also strongly promotes energy-saving green products, adopting energy-saving technologies that allow users to save energy and reduce carbon emissions while using the products.

Founder and Chairman of TCL, LI Dongsheng, attended the 8th China-Japan-Korea Business Summit.

Wei Xue of TCL Attends the 2023 COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

On December 4, 2023, Wei Xue, Vice President of TCL Technology Group, Chairman of the ESG Committee, and Director of the TCL Public Welfare Foundation, attended the financial-themed side event in the Blue Zone at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and delivered a keynote speech, sharing the company's strategies for addressing climate change and its practical experience in achieving sustainable development.

Wei Xue of TCL Attends the 2023 COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals

TCL Technology is committed to achieving peak carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality in our operations by 2050. To this end, we have established a dedicated climate change working group, developed a clear carbon reduction pathway, and implemented a greenhouse gas management strategy. We continuously advance the use of renewable energy and overall energy efficiency improvements. Additionally, we adhere to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and meticulously assess climate-related risks and opportunities to strengthen our climate governance.

Opportunities in Clean Technology

TCL Technology views the development of clean technologies and the manufacture of green low-carbon products as crucial supports for sustainable development and a major strategic focus of company operations.

TCL CSOT 23.8-inch Display Module Awarded "Recycled Material Product" Certificate.

TCL CSOT applies innovative uses of materials, with its display module products achieving high proportions of recycled material use. The 23.8-inch display module's recycled material content ratio reached 51.5% and received an authoritative certification certificate.

TCL CSOT 23.8-inch Display Module Awarded "Recycled Material Product" Certificate.

TCL Zhonghuan High-Ratio Granular Silicon Low-Carbon Monocrystalline Silicon Rods Pulling Technology Development and Industrialisation.

The production of silicon material is a high carbon-emitting stage in the lifecycle of photovoltaic products. TCL Zhonghuan enhances R&D and process innovation, using granular silicon to produce photovoltaic monocrystals, reducing per-unit energy and material consumption. It is estimated that granular silicon production saves 60%-70% of electricity consumption and reduces water consumption by 30% and hydrogen consumption by 42% compared to rod silicon.

MOKA Conducts Product Carbon Footprint Accounting.

MOKA conducts carbon footprint accounting for its core product, the M Series Intelligent High Definition LCD TV, according to ISO14067:2018 Greenhouse gases - Carbon footprint of products - Requirements and guidelines for quantification. Each TV's cradle-to-gate carbon footprint is 228kg.

Water Resources Management

TCL Technology implements the green concept into the whole process of production and operation. Based on the implementation of the efficient use of resources and the control of three waste emissions, the Company continues to pursue and build an industrial model that realises a circular economy.

TCL CSOT Constructs Artificial Wetland Park

TCL CSOT's "Artificial Wetland Park" uses advanced technology for deep industrial wastewater treatment, employing a process that includes stabilization ponds, ecological rapid filtration pools, downward vertical flow constructed wetlands, and submerged plant landscape water regulation ponds. The treated water meets Class IV surface water standards and is reused for landscape replenishment, toilet flushing, and vehicle washing, achieving comprehensive recycling of water resources.

TCL CSOT Constructs Artificial Wetland Park

Use of Renewable Energy

TCL Technology reduces greenhouse gas emissions in corporate operations by conserving energy and improving our energy mix, thereby accelerating our goals of reaching peak carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.

TCL Zhonghuan Inner Mongolia Industrial Park's Multiple New Distributed Photovoltaic Projects Connected to the Grid.

On 21st April 2023, TCL Zhonghuan's Inner Mongolia Industrial Park connected multiple new distributed photovoltaic projects to the grid, further advancing TCL Zhonghuan's commitment to "100% renewable electricity" for sustainable development. This grid connection includes seven rooftop distributed projects and two photovoltaic carport projects, providing an average annual green electricity volume of 10.218 million kWh, saving 4.1 thousand tonnes of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 10.2 thousand tonnes, sulfur dioxide emissions by 0.3 thousand tonnes, and nitrogen oxide emissions by 0.2 thousand tonnes.

Waste Management

TCL Technology is committed to reducing waste generation and enhancing the recycling of waste materials, vigorously advancing the construction of a zero-waste group. Specific targets have been set for industrial waste in three key areas by 2025: source reduction, resource utilization, and safe disposal, aiming to minimize the potential ecological impact of waste generated from our production operations.

TCL Zhonghuan "Zero Waste Factory" - Tianjin Huanzhi New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.

Tianjin Huanzhi New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd. has reduced the generation of solid waste at its source, resulting in a 13.2% decrease in solid waste production per piece of silicon wafer, and has been recognized as Tianjin's first "Zero Waste Factory".

TCL Zhonghuan "Zero Waste Factory" - Tianjin Huanzhi New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd.